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来源:https://www.sddhfjx.com/ 日期:2024-09-21

  省道308线K214+320-K224+378段养护维修工程, 路面设计结构层为:4cm厚AC-13改性沥青混凝土上面层+7cm厚ATB-25沥青稳定碎石下面层+20cm厚水泥稳定碎石基层+20cm厚全深式就地冷再生底基层。底基层设计强度为2mpa, 根据项目试验报告结果显示, 混合料含水量为4.6%, 干密度为2.287g/cm3, 设计水泥计量为4.7%, 碎石掺入量为15%。就地冷再生底基层的施工工艺流程为:确定配合比→试验段施工→施工放样→原路病害处理→撒铺碎石→撒布水泥→铣刨拌和→整平碾压→养生→质量检查验收。

  The maintenance and repair project for the K214+320-K224+378 section of Provincial Highway 308 includes a pavement design structure layer consisting of a 4cm thick AC-13 modified asphalt concrete upper layer, a 7cm thick ATB-25 asphalt stabilized crushed stone lower layer, a 20cm thick cement stabilized crushed stone base layer, and a 20cm thick full depth in-situ cold recycled sub base layer. The design strength of the subgrade layer is 2mpa. According to the project test report, the optimal moisture content of the mixture is 4.6%, the maximum dry density is 2.287g/cm3, the design cement dosage is 4.7%, and the gravel content is 15%. The construction process of on-site cold recycling subgrade is as follows: determining the mix proportion → constructing the test section → construction layout → treating the original road defects → spreading crushed stones → spreading cement → milling and mixing → leveling and rolling → curing → quality inspection and acceptance.f9217c9c-cca9-490a-ac8a-9d7e4d959704

  1 施工工艺1.1 确定生产配合比对选取的碎石, 水泥等原材料进行检验, 各项检测指标必须满足设计标准和技术文件要求, 然后, 在施工路段选取有代表性的段落, 利用再生机按照设计深度现场取样, 检测铣刨料级配, 如果不符合要求, 则增加碎石进行混合料掺配试验, 使混合料级配符合规范要求, 通过击实试验、无侧限抗压强度等试验确定各项施工技术参数。

  1 Construction Process 1.1 Determination of Production Mix Proportion Firstly, the selected raw materials such as crushed stone and cement must be inspected, and all testing indicators must meet the design standards and technical document requirements. Then, representative sections are selected in the construction section, and on-site samples are taken using a recycling machine according to the design depth to test the gradation of milling materials. If they do not meet the requirements, crushed stone is added for mixing tests to ensure that the gradation of the mixture meets the specification requirements. Various construction technical parameters are determined through compaction tests, unconfined compressive strength tests, and other tests.

  1.2 试验段施工选定有代表性的路段200m作为试验路段, 通过试验路段施工, 确定标准的施工方法, 确定压实机械设备组合, 碾压顺序、碾压速度和遍数, 确定每一作业段的合理长度, 验证生产配合比, 检验施工组织和施工工艺的合理性。

  1.2 Select a representative section of 200m as the test section for construction. Through the construction of the test section, determine the standard construction method, determine the combination of compaction machinery and equipment, rolling sequence, rolling speed and number of passes, determine the reasonable length of each operation section, verify the production mix ratio, and inspect the rationality of construction organization and construction technology.

  1.3 施工放样选取长度不超过4km路段进行交通管制, 严格按照《公路养护作业规程》JTGH30-2015的要求, 正确布设作业区, 然后, 根据原路宽度确定路面中心线, 合理确定每段铣刨宽度和铣刨长度。

  1.3 For construction layout, select road sections with a length not exceeding 4km for traffic control, strictly follow the requirements of the "Highway Maintenance Safety Operation Regulations" JTGH30-2015, correctly set up safety operation areas, and then determine the centerline of the road surface based on the original road width, and reasonably determine the milling width and milling length of each section.

  1.4 级配碎石调平根据设计文件要求, 底基层施工前, 对原有沥青路面沉陷路段采用级配碎石进行找平处理, 尤其对于弯沉值的突变点、可疑点, 应到现场做进一步核实。若坑槽较深、路面沉陷、弹簧、翻浆等病害严重, 需对旧路面进行挖除换填处理, 使原路面基本平整。

  According to the design documents, before the construction of the subgrade layer, graded crushed stones should be used to level the existing asphalt pavement subsidence sections, especially for sudden changes and suspicious points in the deflection value, which should be further verified on site. If the potholes are deep, the road surface sinks, springs, and frost heave are severe, the old road surface needs to be excavated and replaced to make the original road surface basically flat.

  1.5 撒布碎石根据再生深度、宽度、配合比设计提供的碎石掺入量和再生混合料的干密度等, 计算出每平方级配碎石撒布数量, 根据每车碎石重量计算出每车碎石撒布面积, 采用碎石撒布机在原有沥青路面上均匀的撒布碎石, 边角处厚度不均匀碎石采用人工整修, 做到表面平整。

  Based on the design of the recycled depth, width, mix proportion, and the dry density of the recycled mixture, calculate the amount of crushed stone to be spread per square meter. Calculate the area of crushed stone to be spread per vehicle based on the weight of each vehicle. Use a crushed stone spreader to evenly spread the crushed stone on the original asphalt pavement, and manually repair the uneven thickness of the crushed stone at the corners to achieve a smooth surface.

  1.6 撒布水泥在水泥撒布前, 试验人员应当对水泥撒布车电脑设置撒布量与实际撒布量进行复核, 准确无误后, 采用全自动水泥撒布车在碎石顶面均匀的撒布水泥, 根据再生深度、宽度、配合比设计提供的水泥剂量, 计算出每平方的水泥撒布量, 按照规范要求, 路拌法施工时, 水泥剂量应比配合比报告剂量增加1%。

  Before spreading cement, the testing personnel should double check the computer settings of the cement spreading truck with the actual spreading amount. After accuracy, the fully automatic cement spreading truck should be used to evenly spread cement on the top surface of the gravel. Based on the regeneration depth, width, and mix proportion provided by the design, the cement spreading amount per square meter should be calculated. According to the specifications, during road mixing construction, the cement dosage should be increased by 1% compared to the reported dosage of the mix proportion.

  1.7 铣刨拌和(1) 水泥撒布结束后, 利用维特根WR2000冷再生机推动洒水车进行铣刨拌和作业, 根据原有旧路面基层强度, 速度一般控制在4~10m/min左右, 再生机必须缓慢、均匀、连续的进行再生作业, 再生机后安排专人跟随, 随时检查再生深度和含水量, 不符合要求时及时通知再生机操作员进行调整。在每刀再生施工作业面边缘处设置引导线以协助操作人员。冷再生机前进时, 操作员要随时观察再生机的行驶轨迹, 保证各刀之间的横向搭接宽度不小于10cm。(2) 根据再生机的行驶速度, 在水泥初凝前完成每段各项工序, 每段铣刨长度控制在80~120m之间, 在再生机每次起步开始作业和结束处, 安排人员及时整平, 防止影响接缝处的平整度和密实性。(3) 在纵向搭接处, 应减小再生机用水量, 否则造成相邻两段衔接处含水量偏大, 出现翻浆现象。

  1.7 Milling and mixing (1) After the cement spreading is completed, use the Wirtgen WR2000 cold recycling machine to drive the sprinkler truck for milling and mixing operations. According to the original strength of the old pavement base, the speed is generally controlled at around 4-10m/min. The recycling machine must carry out the recycling operation slowly, evenly, and continuously. A dedicated person should be arranged to follow the recycling machine and check the depth and moisture content of the regeneration at any time. If it does not meet the requirements, notify the recycling machine operator in a timely manner for adjustment. Set up guide lines at the edges of each regeneration construction surface to assist operators. When the cold regeneration machine moves forward, the operator should observe the driving trajectory of the regeneration machine at any time to ensure that the lateral overlap width between each blade is not less than 10cm. (2) According to the driving speed of the recycling machine, each process is completed before the initial setting of cement, and the milling length of each section is controlled between 80-120m. At the beginning and end of each start-up of the recycling machine, personnel are arranged to level it in a timely manner to prevent affecting the flatness and compactness of the joints. (3) At the longitudinal overlap, the water consumption for regeneration should be reduced, otherwise it will cause the water content at the junction of adjacent sections to be too high, resulting in the phenomenon of slurry boiling.

  1.8 整形和碾压(1) 在再生机后应紧眼1台26t单钢轮振动压路机进行初压, 减少混合料水份散失过快, 先静压1~2遍, 单钢轮压路机的工作速度不得超过3km/h。(2) 在初压完成后, 应立即用平地机整形。在直线段, 平地机由两侧向路中心进行刮平;在平曲线段, 平地机由内侧向外侧进行刮平。通过平地机和人工配合整形, 使冷再生基层顶面的横坡度、纵坡、平整度达到规范要求;表面离析, 对出现粗集料集中的地方换填新混合料, 整形后左右两侧产生的多余再生料必须用人工及时予以清理, 以利于压路机将边缘碾压密实。(3) 整形完成后, 根据混合料表面情况, 判断是否需要补水, 如果需要则使用洒水车适量补水, 然后用1台26t单钢轮振动压路机进行复压, 一般碾压4~6遍

  1.8 Shaping and Rolling (1) After the regeneration machine, one 26t single steel wheel vibratory roller should be used for initial compaction to reduce the rapid loss of moisture in the mixture. First, static pressure should be applied 1-2 times, and the working speed of the single steel wheel roller should not exceed 3km/h. (2) After the initial pressing is completed, a grader should be used immediately for shaping. In the straight section, the grader flattens from both sides towards the center of the road; On the flat curve section, the grader flattens from the inside to the outside. Through the combination of a grader and manual shaping, the transverse slope, longitudinal slope, and flatness of the top surface of the cold recycled base meet the standard requirements; Eliminate surface segregation, replace the areas where coarse aggregates are concentrated with new mixture, and clean the excess recycled materials generated on both sides after shaping manually in a timely manner to facilitate the roller to compact the edges. (3) After the plastic surgery is completed, determine whether water needs to be added based on the surface condition of the mixture. If necessary, use a sprinkler truck to add an appropriate amount of water, and then use a 26t single drum vibratory roller for re compaction, generally rolling 4-6 times。(4) 终压采用30t胶轮压路机来完成, 一般要求碾压6~8遍。(5) 碾压过程中, 如有“弹簧”、松散、起皮等现象, 应及时翻松重新拌和 (加适量的水泥) 或用其他方法处理, 使其达到质量要求。

  . (4) The final compaction is carried out using a 30t rubber roller, which generally requires rolling 6-8 times. (5) During the rolling process, if there are "springs", looseness, peeling and other phenomena, they should be promptly loosened and re mixed (with an appropriate amount of cement) or treated with other methods to meet the quality requirements.

  1.9 养生(1) 每一再生段碾压完成并经压实度检查合格后, 应立即进行覆盖养生, 覆盖一般采用透水土工布, 通过洒水车可以及时补充缺失的水份。确保冷再生表面保持湿润状态。

  1.9 Health Preservation (1) After each regeneration section is compacted and passes the compaction degree inspection, it should be immediately covered for health preservation. Permeable geotextile is generally used for covering, and the missing water can be replenished in a timely manner through sprinkler trucks. Ensure that the cold regeneration surface remains moist.

  (2) 养生期不小于7天, 在养生期间, 除洒水车外, 应封闭交通。不能封闭交通时, 应限制重车通行, 其它车辆的车速不应超过30km/h。1.1 0 质量检查验收就地冷再生施工完成后, 应将全线以1-3km作为一个评定路段, 按照《公路工程质量检验评定标准》的有关要求, 对平整度、厚度、压实度、宽度、横坡以及外观质量等指标进行检查验收, 各项指标应符合要求, 检验合格的路段, 在后续施工前应将再生层清扫干净。如果再生层上为无机结合料稳定材料层, 应洒少量水湿润表面。

  (2) The health preservation period should not be less than 7 days. During the health preservation period, traffic should be closed except for water trucks. When traffic cannot be closed, heavy vehicles should be restricted from passing, and the speed of other vehicles should not exceed 30km/h. After the completion of on-site cold recycling construction for quality inspection and acceptance, the entire line should be evaluated as a section of 1-3km. According to the relevant requirements of the "Quality Inspection and Evaluation Standards for Highway Engineering", the indicators such as flatness, thickness, compaction, width, cross slope, and appearance quality should be inspected and accepted. All indicators should meet the requirements. For sections that pass the inspection, the regeneration layer should be cleaned up before subsequent construction. If the regeneration layer is a stable material layer of inorganic binder, a small amount of water should be sprinkled to moisten the surface.

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  This article is a friendly contribution from Cold Recycling Machine Rental. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.sddhfjx.com/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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