来源: 日期:2023-03-13
The cold recycling machine is a road construction equipment with environmental protection and high energy efficiency designed and manufactured to adapt to the construction of urban and rural roads. During the operation, while milling and crushing the old asphalt pavement, the stabilizer (cement, lime, water, etc.) is added, and the new road base is formed by local mixing, shaping and compaction. The cold regeneration machine rental manufacturer will explain its advantages and technological matters to you.
1. Investigate the structure of the old road and pave the test road to determine the depth of regeneration and the addition of new aggregate and other process parameters. The length should not be less than 200 meters.
2. Before cold regeneration construction, the old road surface shall be cleaned and the obvious settlement and pit of the old road shall be filled and leveled.
3. For manual or mechanical paving of additives (cement, lime, new aggregate, etc.), the amount added per square meter shall be calculated according to the designed amount.
4. The cold regenerator works. During construction, the depth and speed shall be checked at any time to ensure that the regeneration depth and the broken mixture gradation are reasonable.
5. Use a bulldozer for initial leveling, and discharge pressure evenly, and then use a grader to level to the design elevation.

6. Check the water content, add water if necessary to make it conform to the optimum water content, and then roll the pavement to form a new road base.
7. Road base curing. The curing time shall not be less than 7 days, and traffic control shall be conducted during the curing period.
8. Pave the surface layer and compact it to form a new pavement.
(1) Low cost
(2) Improve the grade of old roads
(3) No damage to subgrade
(4) Traffic can be uninterrupted
(5) Short construction period
(6) Protect the environment and resources
This is the end of the analysis of the construction process and advantages of the cold recycling machine. It is recommended that you fully understand it before use, take preventive measures during use, and clean the machine in time after use. For more precautions, please visit our website consulting service